Ambur Synod, 2023 program planing meeting -Invitation,agenda and images 23/01/2023 IELCAmbur, General1
IELC ,Ambur Synod, TNHB Naether Memorial Lutheran Church’s Harvest Festival 14/01/2023 IELCAmbur, General0 IELC ,Ambur Synod, TNHB Naether Memorial Lutheran Church’s Harvest Festival
13/01/2023 IELCAmbur, General0 New printer installed at Ambur Synod Office A new printer was purchased and dedicated to the Ambur Synod office.
The appointment order was given to the Headmasters appointed in Ambur Synod Educational Standing Committee by the Synod officials 05/01/2023 IELCAmbur, General0
Rev.A.S.John Kirubaharan’s Application for the post of a Seminary faculty 04/01/2023 IELCAmbur, General0