The CMC Vellore Association – Sponsorship Privileges

The Christian Medical College, Vellore provides seats for Medical, Nursing and Paramedical studies in the CMC to the Christian Organizations all over India on condition that those organizations run Mission Hospital.

The purpose is that those students sponsored by the Christian Organizations, on completing M.B.B.S. course in the CMC, would serve in the Mission Hospital.

However, Membership and Sponsorship Privileges and other Privileges of the IELC were suspended in January 2016 due to leadership issue in the IELC.

After the appointment of the Interim Administrator to the IELC, by the Hon’ble Madras High Court, reinstatement of the IELC was ordered by the CMC Vellore Association on payment of subscription dues by the IELC, based on the letter written by the Administrator.

While reinstating the IELC from 13.03.2019, it was decided by the CMC Vellore Association that Sponsorship Privileges will be reviewed by the Sponsorship Credentials Committee and the recommendations of the sponsorship privileges committee would be brought before Executive Committee and the Council for appropriate decision.

The CMC Vellore Association sought particulars of the doctors and other staff employed in the Hospital under the control of the IELC.

The Administrator submitted the details of the DOCTORS employed in the Hospital of the IELC at Malappuram, Kerala to the CMC Vellore Association on 09.05.2019. That is, the details as furnished by the Hospital was submitted by the Administrator.

Those details were upload in the IELCADMINISTRATOR.COM also.

To verify the details furnished, the Sponsorship Privileges Committee sent an Inspection Team to the Hospital of the IELC at Malappuram, Kerala on 12.06.2019.

The Inspection Team gave its recommendations that as per their norms there should be at the least 3 full time doctors employed in the Hospital for Sponsorship Privileges, but there was one doctor less.

Based on the same, the Sponsorship Credential Committee recommended to the Council to grant Sponsorship Privileges from the date of the  re-assessment subject to fulfilling the criteria of 3 full time doctors.

The CMC council meeting took place on 27th & 28th June 2019 at the CMC, Vellore.

The resolution relating to the Sponsorship Privileges came for consideration by the Council on 28.06.2019

The Administrator spoke in the Council and even suggested that CMC could appoint one doctor and thereafter the Sponsorship Credential Committee could decide about the grant of sponsorship privileges.

The Administrator also spoke about the letter given by the CMC to take over Bethesda Hospital at Ambur, if the same is handed over without any liability.

But, it was made clear by the Council that 3 doctors shall be on employment for one year and thereafter the Inspection Team would verify the same and would give its recommendation to the Sponsorship Credentials Committee. Then only the Sponsorship Privileges could be granted, if the Hospital satisfies the norms.

Thus, the IELC has to appoint a doctor immediately to get the Sponsorship Privileges from the CMC. The Sponsorship Privileges could be granted only after one year of the appointment of a doctor. That is, the Sponsorship Privileges would be granted only from 2021-22 academic year onwards, if the Hospital has 3 full time doctors and satisfies other norms.


Retired Pastors Pension regarding

All the Pastors and Office Bearers of the Church are requested to go through the Pension statements. Now we are updating all the data of the Pensioners. Hence, we requested to provide the details of the Pensioner’s bank account number and IFSC code and also get the copy of the Bank Pass book.

Persons, who are getting pension by way DD, Money Order and Cash payment are requested to submit the bank details as early as possible to enable to credit your pension through bank account.

Kindly cooperate all the IELC members to get the details.

Kodaikanal Visit remarks

Though in the Transfer order dated 22.05.2019 posting Rev. A. Mohan as Pastor  of the Mount Zion Lutheran Church, Kodaikanal, it is clearly mentioned by the Administrator as follows :

” Note:  The Administrator, the President of the IELC and other Office Bearers of the IELC as well as the leaders of the other group namely Mr. Baul Sundar, Mr. Muthuraj, Rev. Ponnarasu, Rev. Sahayadhas, Rev. C. Ravi and Rev. Wilson will be present on 01.06.2019 at 11 AM.  ” for installation of Rev. A. Mohan, no Office Bearers of the IELC came to  Kodaikanal on 01.06.2019 for installation of Rev.A.Mohan and to retrieve the Church and other properties.

Mr. Karunakaran, Secretary to the Administrator, IELC came to Kodaikanal along with the Administrator though his Mother-in-Law was hospitalized and his wife left Chennai to visit her ailing mother,  and his commitment to carry forward the accepted task is appreciated and placed on record.

Besides, Mr. Karunakaran, Mr. Baul Sundar, Ex. General Secretary of the IELC, Rev.C. Ravi, Nagercoil Synod President (Rev. Suvisesha Muthu group), Mr. P.Manuel Yesuraj, Nagercoil  Synod Secretary (Baulsundar group) and Mr. Daniel, Office Assistant of the Administrator came to Kodaikanal on 01.06.2019.

Mail sent to the Office Bearers


ஓய்வு பெற்ற போதகர்களுக்கு ஓய்வூதியம்  (Pension) அளிப்பதற்கான காசோலையில் அருள்திரு ஜேக்கப்சுதாகரன் (ஓய்வு)  அவர்களின் கையொப்பம் இல்லை என்பதால், ஓய்வூதியம் வழங்க இயலாத சூழல்ஏற்பட்டுள்ளது.

IELC – TA  – வின்  செயலாளர் என்ற முறையில், என்னுடன் அவர் Co-signatory  – களில் ஒருவர்.

உடனடியாக தாங்கள்  தலையிட்டு அவரது கையொப்பம் பெறவும், ஓய்வுபெற்ற போதகர்களுக்கு ஓய்வூதியம் பெறவும் தகுந்த ஏற்பாடு செய்யுமாறு கேட்டுக்கொள்ளப்படுகிறது.

The Pension payment to the retired Pastors are not made since Rev. Jacob Sudhakar (Retd.), who is a co-signatary, has not signed the cheques

The Pension payment to the retired Pastors are not made since Rev. Jacob Sudhakar (Retd.), who is a co-signatary, has not signed the cheques. The Whatsapp message sent by him stating his inability to sign the cheque without payment of TA and my reply to the whatsapp message through mail are furnished hereunder :