Approved Minutes of IELC Trust Association dtd 06.07.2023
Approved IELC Generalbody meeting Minutes datd 29.09.2023 Published
Proposed Pastor’s counseling list published for all synods
Notice for Congregational level elections 2024
Combined CC and Trust meeting with our Auditor and the Company Secretary- Images
Condolence message
Condolence message
On behalf of the IELC, I convey my deep condolences to the bereaved family, especially to Rev. J. Paul Theodore.
Lord have mercy 🙏
Dr.Rev.J.Priestly Balasingh
President, IELC.
Church Council Meeting Invitation-IELC
Condolence message
Condolence message
Tearful Tribute to late Mr.Saminathan, Father of Ambur Synod’s Treasurer Mr.Santakumar….
Today 09.01.2024 he fell asleep in God….
His funeral service will be held tomorrow 10.01.2024 at 10.00 am at Vinnamangalam *Trinity Lutheran Church*….
May our almighty God give solace and peace to the bereaved family…
Rev. Dr.Priestly Balasingh,
President, IELC,