IELC-TA – Vellore property scam

The mail exchange between Rev. Rajagambeeram and Rev. P.N. Gopinathan (Retd.), IELC on the          IELC-TA – Vellore property scam. 

Who benefited from the Scam ?


” Dear Rev. Rajagambeeram

Someone sent me a copy of your facebook posting about me and other IELC officers involvement in IELC Deaf school, Vellore land sale.

I am very much upset that a person of your caliber post matters  without verifying . First of all as I understand that it was not a sale but land exchange. One Mr. Vijayakumar from Vellore introduced one Payani to Rev. Moon and he started convincing Rev. Moon to exchange the land , as much as I can understand. Secondly , we, the officers of IELC never gave any letter or authorization to Rev. Moon. The letter is a fraud.

We are waiting to hear from the IELC Administrator to file a police complaint against the culprits. We are ready to face any inquiry in this regard. No church council resolution is passed during our period and how can we give a resolution like that? The church council minute book is open to all and is being scrutinized by the Administrator now.

You also know very well that the Trust Secretary signs any letter relating to IELC property and not the IELC secretary. May I ask you a question? Who was the President when the Madurai property was leased out to Dr. Arun Martin? It was You. I know who all received kick- backs and how much each one received.

You should have called any one of us to in a Christian way. The actual sale of land has taken place at Christ Lutheran Church Vellore. Please find some one from that Congregation who has the courage to take action on Mr. Vijayakumar. Nothing was done even after two years.

As soon as we came to know about the IELC Deaf school matters,we made arrangements to handover the entire documents to the IELC Administrator . The Rev. Moon family was offered Crores of Rupees  for the documents but they refused. Still they are being threatened by Mr. Vijayakumar and his minions for doing the right thing.

Now the Administrator IELC will take appropriate action to retrieve the land if it is a loss to the IELC or decide otherwise in his wisdom and knowledge after making inquires and won’t jump into immature conclusions.

In Christ

Rev. P N Gopinathan

Secretary, IELC “


” Dear pastor Gopinath,

Greetings in Jesus Christ  name.
Thank you for your reply to my facebook posting with regard to IELC properties sold/exchanged by Late Rev. Isaac moon in vellore.
First of all my posting in the FB is only to get clarified from you because your name along with other officers were in that communication.
Knowing this even before my posting in FB, you should have clarified your position in this land scam in Vellore and proceeded legal action to retrieve the properties  to IELC.
Now only you come out with the truth after my posting. I want these explanation and clarification should informed to the churches in IELC and to the LCMS so that you and the other officers must sent an open letter clarifying your non involvement in these allegation.
Again I request you to convene the church council and the IELC trust association to resolve to take legal proceeding against persons who forged your signatures and find out the ways and means to whether to recover the properties or recover the sale produce from the party.
One thing I want clarify the reason for posting in the FB is that the matter was travelling in the social media several months before my FB posting but you you are not serious about it. The churches were in suspicious about you leaders and started accusing you in this matter. Instead of proving your innocence you accusing me in the leasing out the property in By-pass Madurai, for your information every thing was transferant in that matter the trust general body. Committee of management with the approval of the church council I took the resolution to USA there Rev. Herbert Hoffer, The facilitator for India and Srilanka LCMS arranged a tripatriate meeting involving Rev. Robert Rogner, the Executive secretary ,International missions ,LCMS.Rev. David Birner, Associate secretary IM,LCMS, represenung LCMS. Rev.John Mehl,Asia director for LCMS Rev. Ted Engelbret former IELC trust secretary & treasurrer and Dr. Herbert hoeffer, Facilitator for India And Srilanka representing Asia team and myself representing IELC were attended the meeting in US, the LCMS record its appreciation the efforts of the IELC to develop the properties for income generation purpose and unanimously resolved to proceed leasing out a portion of the Madurai by-pass property then only with the knowledge of Dr. Miss Alice Braur the property leased out to one Dr. Arun Martin. All the documents pertaing to this is in the IELC trust office and in the IELC website(Dr. Hoeffer’s report of the Tripatriate meeting) available. With regard to the kick backs you said that you know very well about it. After 15 long years you come out with this charges I don’t know why you kept silent about this so long years. Instead of clearing your self you try to accusing me. You should also know that after my office over my predecessor Rev. Dr. J. Samuel few months after taking over the office of the president he himself leased out the adjusant portion of the land to the same Dr. Arun Martin I think you may know how much kick backs involved dealing  and come out. After that a property in Kardi patti ,Madural was sold out do know how much kick backs involved in it because you are well informed about the kick backs by the parties in these dealings and previous dealing in the period of Rev. John Hus,Rev. J. Isaac moon.
You mentioned the sale of the property by Christ Lutheran Church Vellore it not only responsibility of the congregation but knowing it immediately the IELC Trust association and the church council booked them legally and recover the land back.The persons in the responsible office can not evade the responsibility and blame others.
I appreciate your honest reply please take in to confidence of the office of the interim administrator Justice Mr. Hari Paranthaman appointed by the high court of Madras to retrieve the property legally because the property worth so much which will be sufficient to run IELC self support.
Please send an Open letter in this regard to the churches.
God bless. “